Thousands of Ellenites Swarm Margibi, Bong Counties

In her characteristic fluency, Mrs. Sirleaf has been expending the surging political capital to articulate her vision of devolution of power in a Unity Party-led government. “The time has come for Liberians to have a say in who becomes their president, representatives, senators, superintendents and mayors,” she told one of the gatherings, adding, “We in the Unity Party do not speak mere words without actions. The Party’s senatorial and legislative candidates were voted for by citizens of their counties through the party’s county conventions held in their respective counties.”
Amidst thunderous applauses, she further noted, “You see, your legislators and senators will now be answerable to you, because they know that you do truly have the power to decide whether they represent you or not.” The up-roar of applause became even louder that the female political icon stood smiling at her supporters and admirers, the report said
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