Madam Sirleaf’s Ascendancy To The Presidency Is An Inescapable Judgment Of History, SaysYEP Leader

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me state that Madam Sirleaf’s ascendancy to the presidency is an inescapable judgment of History and nothing can reverse this grand historic march. The Liberian people can no longer afford to be led by half-baked, terribly corrupt, and dictatorial leaders. The Liberian people can no longer tolerate the excruciating effects of bad governance; they want a reversal of their dismal financial situations; they want to make pays that will take them home; they want the restoration of social services – water and electricity; they want paved roads; they want their children to leave the waywardness of the streets to the productiveness of the classroom; they want their dear Mama Liberia to be respected by other nations. They want prosperity. And that’s why they want Madam EJS, a drum major for good governance, transparency, justice and fairplay.
Ladies and Gentlemen, support for the candidacy of Madam Sirleaf has gained steam across the country and this groundswell of popular support has begun to put jitters in the systems of some presidential contenders, some of whom have now stooped so low that they are now engaging in gutter politics and the propagation of outright lies in a desperate attempt to be President. Cllr. Sherman and his COTOL are now saying that the Liberian people should not elect Madam Sirleaf because she has enemies who will fight back. By this statement, Cllr. Sherman implies that he does not have enemies – he is whiter than whiteness and more immaculate than Jesus Christ who, despite being the epitome of virtues, was crucified by a host of enemies. Cllr. Sherman forgets to know that in a country where corruption is going through the roof, where a domineering dictator suffocates freedom of speech, muzzles the press, rigs elections, and where a few live in paradise while the majority of the people live in penury, men and women of good conscience cannot afford to be neutral for fear of making enemies. They must make enemies in order to right the wrongs and put the country on the right track, for Martin Luther King rightly says that passive acceptance of evil is equivalent to an endorsement of evil, and as John Bunyan says, “In a country where people are imprisoned unjustly, the right place for a just man is the prison.”
Now Cllr. Sherman says that he does not have enemies, but can he make such a statement among Bong Mines Workers, the down-trodden Firestone workers, the many parties litigant against whom he has won cases. Can we now say, Don’t vote Cllr. Sherman because the Bong Mines Workers, the Firestone Workers and those who have lost of hundreds of thousands of dollars and probably millions of dollars in cases won by Sherman will bring war because their “enemy” has ascended to the presidency.? What a naivete!
And again he says, “Don’t vote for people who participated in wars because they have enemies who will fight back.” Now our question to Cllr. Sherman is, Who is your senatorial candidate for Nimba? Is he a priest? Doesn’t he have enemies? How can you ask the good people of Nimba to vote for a former INPFL and NPFL General and at the same time say don’t vote for people who participated in the war? This is a classic example of political chicanery and treachery and speaks volumes of the political character of the man Sherman.
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