Ellen's Spokesman Blasts Woewiyu

"Thomas Woewiyu is broke! We all know how he illegally possessed the property of Mr. Chez Jacky just to survive in Liberia, but that didn't work. Woewiyu is total broke and as such, he is on a paid mission," Unity Party campaign spokesman Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan said.
Speaking to this paper on Saturday at the UP Campaign headquarters in Sinkor, Mr. Ngafuan said, "Look guy, we don't want to dignify this so-called Open Letter to Mrs. Sirleaf. In the first place, the diction in the letter is not that of Woewiyu, he is not educated to write such a letter. Woewiyu sat down and explained his lies to someone who reduced such into a so-called letter."
On last Friday, some dailies published an open letter under the signature of Mr. Thomas Woewiyu, accusing Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf of providing a substantial amount of money to the efforts of the Charles Taylor-led National Patriotic Forces of Liberia (NPFL) against the Samuel Doe led regime.
Mr. Ngafuan said, "Tom Woewiyu has allowed himself to be used by the Liberia Action Party. We got credible information that an executive of LAP went around with the letter to newspaper institutions and paid for its publication. All these are ploys by LAP and its paid agent Woewiyu to distract us from our campaign strategy, but we are not deterred, as we are moving forward.
"We expect to see more trash like the one in the papers on Friday, because sponsors of these acts see Madam Sirleaf and the Unity Party as winners in the forthcoming elections, so they are jittering. They have designed strategy to embark upon lies and machinations to stain the character of Madam Sirleaf, just to sway away her supporters, but mind you the more they talk the more our support increases. They are not perturbed by the lies of the opposition, because they foresee an overwhelming victory at the polls on elections day.
"Look at the character of the man Tom Woewiyu. He was onetime Tom Smith, but today he's Tom Woewiyu. He changed this name because of a criminal act he was involved in with one Frank Chenoweth at the then Ducor Palace Hotel. They stole money and escape by wrapping themselves in mattresses to jump down from the hotel. So, in order to escape Liberia and get to the United States, he changed his name to Thomas Woewiyu.
"We all know the record of Woewiyu. He has no credible record, not only in Liberia, but other places around the world. He is not respected even the little child that is born today in Liberia today knows the criminal record of Woewiyu. The man is broke, so he has offered himself to the higher bidder. And, we know people in these elections who have money going around getting people who are purchasable like Woewiyu. If the coming elections were about money, we know who would win.
"People who are sponsoring Woewiyu know that they cannot win election in Liberia. So they have become jittery because they see Madam Sirleaf's chance of winning the October 11 election. And, for this reason, they will find it difficult to survive because of their corrupt deals. They have realized that Madam Sirleaf, a drunk major for accountability, transparency and justice, is about to assume the mantle of leadership in this country to clean the mess they have created, so they are jittery!
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"The sponsored letter in the dailies is full of lies. Lets look at one of Woewiyu's lies, some people in and out of the country quotes Madam Sirleaf as saying "level the Mansion," but he has come out to say Madam Sirleaf said, \u2018level Monrovia. That is completely strange around here. We are not surprised because as we approach the elections, we will see more of these trash coming out against Madam Sirleaf just to distract us from our campaign strategies, but they lie. We are fully focused and spending our quality time to put our campaign strategies in full gear.
"One thing the sponsors of the letter fail to realize is Mr. Taylor and his NPFL got massive support from the Liberian populace because Liberians saw the action of Mr. Taylor as the solution to getting rid of the tyrannical regime of Mr. Samuel Doe. Mrs. Sirleaf has never denied her support to the NPFL. All along, she has been saying that she supported a movement that was providing support to the NPFL, and when it became clear that NPFL was going against the objectives of the mission, she stopped supporting the group, so what is the big deal. If we want to prosecute those that supported Mr. Taylor and his NPFL, then we will be talking about almost all of the Liberian population because some bulk of the Liberian population provided either financial, moral or even spiritual support to the NPFL during the early days of the war in 1990."
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